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Ruth 4: Full

Apr 29, 2018    David Frederick

The book of Ruth starts out with words of hardship and death. There is a famine in the land, Elimelech dies, Naomi’s sons die… life falls apart. Yet, as we’ve moved through the book of Ruth we’ve seen God’s grace in unexpected places and his loyal love and kindness to Naomi and Ruth throughout their suffering. What started with death, ends with life as God works out his beautiful conclusion to the book of Ruth in Ruth’s redemption and the birth of Obed who restores Naomi and begins the family line leading to king David and ultimately to the Son of David… Jesus. The grand conclusion of Ruth is that God uses these acts of ordinary and faithful love to work out his plan for salvation and redemption in Jesus. This message focuses on Boaz’ redemption of Ruth, and how God uses that act of love and faithfulness for his good purposes. Listeners will be challenged to consider how God is calling them to love people in their lives with God’s love, trusting in God to use it for his good purposes.